Related Links

On this page, the Rocky Flats Citizens Advisory Board provides links to other sites that have some relationship to Rocky Flats issues and topics. If you know of a site that you think should be listed, please send us an email message with the relevant information.

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RFCAB does not officially endorse any of the information or positions found on the sites listed on this page.


Department of Energy Resources / Weapons Complex Sites

Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site Home Page

This site provides information about Rocky Flats, news and hot topics, press releases, fact sheets, a list of public reading rooms and more.
Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuge

At this site you will find information about the newly established National Wildlife Refuge for Rocky Flats. This web site is sponsored by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the agency responsible for planning and development of the refuge.
Department of Energy Home Page

This site provides information about the DOE, news and hot topics, references to recently declassified information, and telephone and contact information across the Department.
[Department of Energy telephone directory].

DOE Environmental Management (EM) Home PageAt this site you will find EM newsletters and documents, information on environmental technology, environmental restoration, waste management, conference and meeting announcements and DOE laboratories.DOE-EM Office of Intergovernmental and Public Accountability

This office is responsible for public involvement efforts in the EM program. This site provides information about the Site Specific Advisory Boards, the Environmental Management Advisory Board, the State and Tribal Government Working Group, and more.

Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) Home PageThis site provides a description of the WIPP project, timelines, fact sheets, waste study, technology transfer, press releases, and tour information.

Regulatory Agencies

Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board

This is where to go to find biographies of the Defense Board members, copies of their recommendations, technical document logs, trip reports, technical reports, and the DNFSB annual report.

Environmental Protection Agency

EPA publications, rules, regulations, legislation, citizen information, offices, regions and laboratories.

Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment – Rocky Flats Program

Information about CDPHE’s Rocky Flats program, including online documents, contact information, related links and the Dpeartment’s annual Status Report on Rocky Flats activities.

Rocky Flats Historical Public Exposures Studies

Comprehensive information regarding the 1991-1999 Rocky Flats Historical Public Exposures Studies that produced estimates of contaminants released from Rocky Flats and associated cancer risks. At this site, you’ll find general information about the study, technical topic papers, citizen summaries and the final results.

Rocky Flats Coalition of Local Governments

The Coalition is comprised of the seven local governments that border Rocky Flats – Boulder County, Jefferson County, Arvada, Boulder, Broomfield, Westminster, and Superior. The website contains meeting agendas, minutes, Board policies and information on stewardship and future use issues.

Nuclear Waste / Radiation / Plutonium

This is an online guide to radioactive waste related material on the Internet. The site strives to present information from all perspectives on radwaste issues, in a non-partisan fashion. It contains over 5,000 links to radioactive waste, nuclear and radiation-related companies, research centers, regulatory agencies, government organizations, non-governmental organizations and more. The links are conveniently grouped into easy-to-navigate categories.

ComRad (Community Radiological Monitoring) Program

The Community Radiological Monitoring program (ComRad) was created in 1990 to provide local communities the opportunity to independently participate in an environmental monitoring program. The goal of the ComRad program is to provide an educational opportunity for local citizens, students and others to learn about the basic concepts of radiation; to learn about the existence, levels, and significance of background radiation. The website includes maps of the monitoring stations, data collected from the stations, outreach and educational information, a glossary and links to related sites.

Transportation Resource Exchange Center (T-REX)

This is a “Virtual Library” focusing on the transportation of radioactive materials. Its includes Rules and Regulations, Shipping Routes, News and Events, Emergency Management, Packaging and Containers, Tribal Issues, States Information and International Issues.

U.S Nuclear Weapons Cost Study Project

Anyone interested in nuclear weapons and Rocky Flats should visit this site from the Brookings Institution, especially the 50 Facts About U.S. Nuclear Weapons. (Did you know that 11 U.S. nuclear bombs have been lost in accidents and never recovered?) Also at this site: the costs of the Manhattan Project, current spending on nuclear weapons, the Top Ten least accountable nuclear weapons programs, and total nuclear weapons costs 1940-1995.

Radiation and Health Physics Page

This is a very comprehensive site that has links to general information on radiation and health physics, regulatory information, professional information, educational information, radiation and health physics research information, a glossary of radiation-related terms, essays on radiation, news and current research.

Public Health Statement for Plutonium

Here you will find answers from the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry to some of the most-asked questions on Rocky Flats – such as What is Plutonium? How might I be exposed to Plutonium? How does Plutonium enter and leave my body? How can Plutonium affect my health? What levels of exposure to Plutonium result in harmful health effects?

Congressional / White House Information

THOMAS, Legislative Information on the Internet

Through this Library of Congress service, you will find full text of Congressional legislation, bill summaries and status, hot legislation, the U.S. Constitution, U.S. House, U.S. Senate, Congressional commissions and advisory boards, how our laws are made and links to other Library of Congress sites

White House Home Page

Visit the White House for information on the President and Vice President, What’s New, an Interactive Citizens Handbook, White House Documents, Speeches, Today’s News.

Environmental / Public Interest Organizations

Environmental Information NetworkHanford Health Information Network

A service through the State of Washington Health Department that contains information about health concerns specific to the Hanford site, but also some general information on Radiation and Health, the Effects of Radiation, Resources and Information, and available publications and ordering information.

Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice CenterSierra Club – National

Sierra Club news, publications, outings, chapters, history and membership information.

Sierra Club – Rocky Mountain Chapter

Contacts information for all Sierra Club issues, calendar of events, links to government pages and links to other environmental groups.

Public Involvement Resources

The International Association for Public Participation

An organization dedicated to improving the practice of public participation.

Community Collaboration

Practical information on building community collaboration and consensus, and public participation, to include identifying and engaging stakeholders.