Dedicated to public involvement, awareness, and education.

Rocky Flats is a former nuclear weapons plant outside of Denver, Colorado, that is now in the process of a massive cleanup effort involving both hazardous and radioactive materials. The Rocky Flats Citizens Advisory Board is a community advisory group that provides recommendations on cleanup plans for the site.

rolex replica

January Board meeting agenda will be posted here one week prior to the meeting

2002 Annual Report

The Advisor Newsletter: Past Issues

Bill Establishing the Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuge

Stewardship Working Group Report: The Rocky Flats Stewardship Toolbox: Tools for Long-Term Planning, June 2002 (43 pages, PDF file)
Toolbox Appendix A: Description of Stewardship Controls (30 pages, PDF file)
Toolbox Appendix B: Regulatory Authority Table (5 pages, PDF file)
Toolbox Appendix C: Long-Term Stewardship Bibliography (17 pages, PDF file)

Board Vacancies: Go to our Online Application Form. RFCAB seeks applicants who represent diverse interests and are dedicated to making recommendations on the cleanup of Rocky Flats. Women and minorities are strongly encouraged to apply.

Schedule a slideshow on Rocky Flats through our Speakers Bureau

Do you have a comment to share
with the Rocky Flats Citizens Advisory Board?

Rocky Flats Citizens Advisory Board
10808 Highway 93, Unit B
Building 60, Room 107B
Golden, CO 80403

Phone: (303) 966-7855
FAX: (303) 966-7856

Email: [email protected]